Reversing Autoimmune Disease is Possible!

Over 100 different types of autoimmune diseases exist. Think about this—about 1 out of 7 people in the U.S. have at least one autoimmune disease or condition. This is about 50,000 people that are affected here in the U.S. according to the Autoimmune Association. And the numbers are rising! Isn’t this mind blowing to you? It is to me and I want to be part of this change.

This number doesn’t include other countries. I’ve talked to quite a few with autoimmune conditions over seas in the last 3 years. I’ve interviewed others in the UK, Australia, and South Africa too.

In the next 50 years, it’s my belief that we as humans, are going to make vast changes in the medical systems and in our health. We are going to be educated on how to prevent these diseases and how to heal from them. This information is slowing leaking out and I’m glad I get to be a player in this significant and major transformation.

Believe you can heal

What are the steps to get well?  Since I’ve been diagnosed almost 10 year ago now, and have completely reversed my condition, it’s my passion to keep telling others that healing is MORE THAN POSSIBLE! Believing that is can be done is half the battle.

I remember asking a simple question to a group of people that had been a part of an MS forum, with over 25 thousand members. I asked whether they believed MS can be healed—Only about half of them believed it! What do I mean when I say heal? I mean, completely reverse ALL symptoms.

Diet/Eat the Right Foods

Eating the the right foods is absolutely necessary if you want to heal. It’s not just a paleo-based or keto-based diet, it’s eating the foods that are nutrient-rich. It’s getting in the right food groups and ditching others.

If I were to list all the foods that can help you heal, and the ones that cause inflammation, this would be a blog with at least 20,000 characters! This is why I offer a slow, steady, and affordable learning with me. It takes time to learn all the groups and actual foods to get you back to health.

You’ve have MANY choices and you NEVER go hungry! You’ll find joy in eating again. You may (most people do) lose weight too because when you nourish yourself with the right foods, your body adjusts to the weight that you should be.

This is a joyful transition! After 12 weeks you won’t believe how you feel and you’ll wonder why you didn’t start earlier.

Other lifestyle changes

So many other healthy changes you can make!

Exercise and getting outdoor vitamin D: Working out outside exposes you to fresh air and natural sunlight, which can boost your mood and enhance vitamin D levels, promoting overall well-being. The diverse terrain of outdoor settings can provide a more challenging and engaging workout experience, helping to strengthen different muscle groups and improve cardiovascular fitness. Additionally, being in nature can reduce stress levels and encourage mindfulness, making outdoor exercise not only physically beneficial but also mentally rejuvenating. 

De-stressing activities: Destressing is essential for maintaining both mental and physical health, as it helps to reduce the levels of cortisol, the body’s primary stress hormone. By engaging in relaxation techniques such as meditation or deep breathing, individuals can improve their emotional well-being and enhance their resilience to everyday challenges. Additionally, managing stress effectively can lead to better sleep quality, stronger immune function, and overall increased life satisfaction.

Sleep maximizing tips: Getting enough sleep is essential for overall health as it allows the body to repair and regenerate, supporting vital functions such as immune response and cognitive performance. Adequate sleep improves mood and emotional regulation, reducing the risk of anxiety and depression. Additionally, quality sleep is linked to maintaining a healthy weight and reducing the risk of chronic conditions.

Buying food and reading food labels: Buying food and reading labels allows consumers to make informed choices about the nutritional content and ingredients in their meals, promoting a balanced diet. By understanding labels, individuals can identify healthier options, avoid excess sugars and unhealthy fats, and ensure they are meeting their dietary needs. This mindful approach to food shopping fosters better eating habits and contributes to overall well-being.

Having healthy relationships: Having healthy relationships can significantly enhance emotional well-being by providing support, understanding, and a sense of belonging. Positive social connections have been linked to lower stress levels, improved mental health, and greater resilience in the face of challenges. Additionally, engaging in meaningful relationships can lead to healthier lifestyle choices, as individuals often encourage each other to prioritize wellness and engage in positive activities.

There are so many more lifestyle changes included in my program. Below are just a few of the handouts I deliver through out the 12 weeks with me to get you back to your healthy self!

Getting your life back!

I love helping people get their life back! Many tell me that they have the energy again like they felt in their 20’s. It’s not hard work, it’s knowing what foods to eat and what lifestyle changes to make. These are my programs. Just click the button below and learn how. 

Wishing you wellness!



Paperback book – The Path to Reverse Multiple Sclerosis Naturally

Cookbook – Nourish Your Way to Health

#Reverse Autoimmune Disease

#MS Warrior

#Healing Autoimmune Diseases

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