Are you struggling with your health?
I can totally relate—I was there too! I felt alone, confused, and hopeless. I didn’t know anyone who I could talk to who would understand what I was going through. I kept questioning—”Why is this happening?”
Suddenly my vision for the future was looking much different – A wheel chair in my future and my husband looking after me. That wasn’t part of my life plan. I felt like my whole world came tumbling down.
Before the diagnosis, I was passed on from doctor to doctor until finally I received a blood test and an MRI from a neurologist. These test revealed I was extremely low in some vitamins and the MRI showed lesions all over my brain and a few down my spine.
In 2015 I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis after I discovered a blind spot in my left eye. I thought my life was over at the age of 45.

For about 45 days or so I was a mess and totally miserable. I was in bed for 30 days after a steroid IV treatment. During this time, I developed a migraine headache, brain fog, numbness in my legs, and severe fatigue. I had experienced stiff knees, Lhermitte’s sign, and vertigo too. Emotionally, I was in despair—I wondered how long I could get along without needing walking assistance? I pictured myself losing my job, people having empathy for me (which I did’t want), and missing out on the fun in life like simple get togethers with friends or vacations with my husband.
After searching and searching I found some information. I found an incredible story of a woman who healed herself out of a wheel chair after she discovered consuming a nutrient-rich diet. After about 3 months she graduated to a cane, and after about 3 more months she was walking without a cane. WOW! After hearing about this story, I knew I could heal myself too and I did!
Then, I found a solution . . . YES!

With no hesitation, I started this same routine and HEALED MY BODY WITH DIET without any drugs! After a couple of weeks of eating a nutrient-rich diet, eliminating things like processed foods, and making a few changes in my lifestyle, my numbness went away, my brain fog and fatigue disappeared, AND after about 4–5 months, the blinds spots in my left eye also cleared up. I was overjoyed—I couldn’t believe I had this ability to reverse my symptoms! Now that I’ve experienced this, I feel a calling to help others do the same.

After a lot of education since I’ve been diagnosed, I’ve come to a conclusion—In general, I feel like many of us are stressed with our jobs and families, we have too many choices of unhealthy foods, and don’t take out enough time for self care. Inaccurate information on food is portrayed all over and I want to help educate people on correct information and how to navigate our lives with healthy lifestyle choices. I want to be the living proof and a guide that diet and lifestyle matters. Our bodies are incredible healing machines—they can do the work if we give them a fighting chance.

I’ve dedicated the rest of my life to helping others know that they can heal from MS or other autoimmune conditions and lead a healthy, happy life. After a year of schooling from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, I received my health coaching certificate. I’ve started a Facebook page in 2020 called MS Support for Nutrition and Lifestyle to give others hope, encouragement, and nutritional information. I’ve also created another Facebook site in 2022 called Nourish your Way to give others healthy tips on food and lifestyle. In November of 2022, I completed a cookbook full of healthy, delicious recipes called Nourish your Way to Health. The book is full of nutrient-rich, dishes to help others achieve and maintain optimal health.
I also wanted to prove to others that healing from MS is indeed possible. I interviewed over 10 people who reversed their symptoms and wanted to get this book out. Today, at least 50% of people still don’t think it’s possible to heal from MS or any other autoimmune disease—it’s all in your belief system.
I’d be more than happy to work with you! If you want to heal and be in charge of the healthy life you were meant to have, let’s chat.