How Shall I Move my Body for Best Results?

We are all bio-individuals and all have different likes, strengths, and endurance. The truth is, we don’t have to exercise ourselves to the point of exhaustion, unless you’re my husband and you LIKE doing this. Of course, the more you beef up your routine—whether it’s going to the gym, hiking, running, yoga, paying pickle ball, etc.—you’ll gain more muscle and build your endurance.

For those of you who are more like me, I take it easy on myself. Yes, I like to build a little muscle, however, I’m one of those who don’t love or need to spend even an hour a day working on this. If you don’t enjoy what you’re doing, let’s face it, you’re gonna quit so make sure you ENJOY what you do everyday. I believe a little daily stretching (5-10 min), light weights (5-10 min) and a 20 minute walk is a GREAT day for me and that’s how I like it. Sure, on occasion, I’ll play pickleball (I’m not that good), play a round of golf, or go for a hike up to an hour. That’s really it! It’s our diets that control our weight. This is something I learned after I changed to a paleo-based diet because I lost about 10-12 pounds on diet alone!

The other day I was taking to a friend who’s a yoga teacher and she had the best phrase. “Exercise is lotion for your joints.” This will become one of my favorite slogans—BRILLIANT! We all know that exercise is important and our bodies are made to move. If you’re able, moving in some way everyday (in some form) is so good for us.

Here are some myths about exercise to keep in mind.

  1. Myth: Spot reduction works. Truth: You can’t target fat loss in specific areas through exercises; fat loss happens throughout the body.

  2. Myth: No pain, no gain. Truth: Exercise doesn’t need to be painful to be effective. Consistent, moderate-intensity workouts can yield great results without discomfort.

  3. Myth: Cardio is the only way to lose weight. Truth: Strength training and a balanced diet are also crucial for weight loss and overall fitness.

  4. Myth: Lifting weights makes you bulky. Truth: Building muscle mass requires significant effort and specific training; most people won’t “bulk up” easily from weight lifting.

  5. Myth: You need to work out every day to see results. Truth: Rest days are important for recovery and progress. Effective workouts can be done 3-5 times a week.

  6. Myth: You have to exercise for long periods to get benefits. Truth: Short, high-intensity workouts can be just as effective as longer sessions.

  7. Myth: Crunches are the best way to get a six-pack. Truth: Core strength exercises and a healthy diet are more effective for defining abs than crunches alone.
  8. Myth: Stretching before exercise prevents injuries. Truth: Dynamic warm-ups are more effective than static stretching before a workout to prevent injuries.
  10. Myth: Older adults shouldn’t do strength training. Truth: Strength training is beneficial for all ages, helping to maintain muscle mass and bone density.

  11. Myth: Sweating a lot means you’re burning more calories. Truth: Sweat is not an indicator of calorie burn; it’s your body’s way of cooling down.

  12. Myth: You can eat anything if you work out. Truth: Diet plays a crucial role in overall health and fitness; exercise alone can’t compensate for poor eating habits.

  13. Myth: Women should avoid heavy weights to prevent injury. Truth: Proper technique, not the weight, is key to avoiding injury. Women can safely lift heavy with proper form.

  14. Myth: You need supplements to build muscle. Truth: A balanced diet with sufficient protein is usually enough; supplements can be helpful.

  15. Myth: Exercise alone can counteract a sedentary lifestyle. Truth: Regular movement throughout the day is important; exercise can’t completely offset the effects of prolonged sitting.

  16. Myth: If you’re not sweating, you’re not working hard enough. Truth: Sweat levels vary by individual and environment; you can have an effective workout without excessive sweating.

All in all, exercise should be fun! Playing tag or jumping on the trampoline with your kids can do it. Lord knows that keeping up with those little humans can be exhausting! The point is, you don’t have to make it hard. Of course, if you’re one of those people who like to run 5-10K (great!) Or, you could be one of those elite people who like running marathons or triathlons—seriously, I bow down to you! Whatever you do, make it fun so you never quit. 

Keeping you moved with good information!



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