New Years Resolutions

Getting on track!

We learn as we grow older and boy, have a learned a ton, especially in the last 7 years about health. Most don’t think much about it (especially younger folks) until something hits you. Or, you could start having ailments and these can start appearing like headaches, skin issues, stomach aches, vision complications like blind spots or blurred vision, earaches, chest pain, extreme hair loss, digestion issues, arthritis, muscles pain, fatigue, etc.  The list can go on and on. Here is what I have discovered about getting healthy and staying on the sweet path for a long, happy life.


Design your year! Aren’t we lucky we live in a country where we can make our own choices and with a ton of opportunity??? What do you want to accomplish?  What health goals, career goals, vacation goals do you want to take advantage of this year? Write these down and make a deadline to achieve these goals.

   Let’s start with health.  With me, it was a total “wake up call” and it’s what I needed. First, it was imperative to change the foods I was eating on a daily basis. I needed to step back and hard look at myself.  I had to figure out how to get my life back and it wasn’t just diet.  I had to change a lot of things!

   Just like the bullet points above, I first had to figure out the foods I needed to eat because it was a matter healing my sickness. I found out that I had to eat like my life depended on it because it does for all of us!

I found out what “earthing or grounding” was. It’s when you connect your body or walk with your bare feet on the earth. We then, take in negative ions and immerse ourselves in the healing powers of mother nature. Inflammation is reduced and your body moves towards health and balance. If you want a better understanding, watch the Earthing Movie. I sleep on grounding sheets and also have a grounding pad I put my feet on when I’m working on my computer.

   Living a good life and health also involves having healthy relationships. I, unfortunately, had to release a family member from my life. This person was causing a lot of heartache, hardship, and bad feelings—I felt guilty about doing this for about a year until I had some counseling on this.  I figured out we need to let go of anything that doesn’t serve us or bring us joy. Today I’m happier today for it.

   Loving more, giving more, and worrying less was also something I needed to work on. Mental health is far more important that I realized. When we deal with too much stress, worry often, feel anxious regularly, or even have a lot of angry feelings, this also erodes our health. Make sure you notice any negative feeling and turn this around—you are in charge. Writing down your gratitudes helps.

   Self care is also important.  Taking the time to serve yourself, engaging in a hobby, and taking vacations is so GOOD for your self care.  Schedule these times into your life,

   Having gratitude daily and finding joy in everything I do is something I have figured out too.  If we “feel good” in our bodies and what we do on a daily basis, this serves our health. I didn’t really think about this until I started reading and researching more about health and spirituality. It matters that we think positive most of the time—if we “feel good” this serves us. It’s our human right to feel happiness.

   Serving others is also a way of dissipitang any sort of depression or ill feelings you may be having. There is ALWAYS someone else who is worse off than you and when you GIVE, it gives off dopamine and serotonin (The “feel good chemical”). Living your truth with gratitude and service makes for a longer, happy life.

Do something that makes you feel good DAILY!


