Why Greens are Important

Dark greens are an essential and nourishing part of your diet and should be consumed in generous quantities. Variety is as important as quality.

You get your calcium from greens—not dairy!

Dark leafy greens contain the important antioxidant vitamins—A,C, E, and K. They are also an excellent source of fiber, folate, carotenoids, iron, and calcium. These greens help nourish the nervous system and manage stress with their anti-inflammatory omega-3 acids and B vitamins. These nutrients remove free radicals from the body.


The body needs dietary fat to absorb the carotenoids and vitamin K (fat-soluble vitamins) present in leafy greens. Adding one or two teaspoons of olive or avocado oil when cooking dark leafy veggies increases the absorption of these nutrients. You also can eat uncooked leafy greens with salad dressing that contains good oils.


All types of dark greens, green, or red leaf lettuce are included. Iceberg lettuce does not fall into this category. It isn’t nutrient-dense like darker greens and consists mostly of water.



*Spinach, Kale, *Arugula, Swiss Chard, *Collard Greens, *Mustard Greens, *Bok Choy, Romaine Lettuce, *Dandelion Greens, Beet Greens, Cabbage, Watercress, and Parsley *Indicates high in calcium

How much should you eat? The more the better! Two to three cups per day should keep your body and systems happy.

Ways to get your greens in:

1. In smoothies

2. In salads

3. In side dishes

4. Lightly steamed or sautéed

5. Dehydrated (kale chips)

Thanks for reading!



p.s. I’ve got a lot of delicious salads in my cookbook called Nourish Your Way to Health!