Starting TODAY, a large goal is to find JOY in my life everyday!

Specifically, finding joy in everyday life. Not waiting for the great times or the special times to feel joyful and enjoy my days. But instead, finding ways to feel good and find joy in the midst of ordinary, everyday life.

It’s been a practice of slowing down and being mindful enough to notice and appreciate the joyful little delights happening all around me.

Do you know that feeling joy actually changes the chemistry in your body towards healing?  When we feel joy and happiness, I learned the marvelous truth about how it changes your body for the better.

The neurotransmitters dopamine (which is associated with pleasure), serotonin, noradrenaline and endorphins (the body’s natural opiates) are released when we feel joy. When I learned that this, I became joyful just knowing that having GOOD feelings is what we are meant to do often! 


This helped me to heal too! When I learned that I could heal myself (especially without drugs) it helped me to deal with my anxiety, bouts of frustration, and feeling of betrayal. Once I worked on my healing, my mind was able to feel confident that I have the skills and abilities to deal with the bad times, because I knew that the universe wasn’t punishing me, but would help me through each situation! Yes, you’ve gathered I’m a spiritual person but don’t worry, I don’t push anything on you.  Just ask yourself a question? Why do you think you’re here?  You’re here to grow, learn, and to be of service to others. 

Joy is a gift we give ourselves! We can allow ourselves to feel joy, knowing we ARE truly loved. The universe is conspiring to help us through even the bad times by sending us loved ones, teachers, and people we need to help. We are meant to thrive and since you are reading this, it’s a message that was meant for you.


I know you want to heal and learn about what you need to do to get on the healthy train again. TRY find joy in the journey. Believe me, it’s not easy to start, but it gets easier (I PROMISE!). I know you’ve got goals and healing is one. You’ve got places to go, people to see, and things to do.  It will be more fun and enjoyable when you’re feeling GOOD and in a place of peace and joy.  You can help others reach this state too when you heal—most of us want to pass it on! I’ve gained an tremendous amount of knowledge and now I HAVE TO to pass it on. WHY?  Because when I help others, it puts me into a state of JOY and HEALTH! 

Me being silly!  We are all meant to have fun sometimes.

If you or a loved one are on a healing journey you will have ups and downs, but keep learning and be open to changing your habits (Diet? Exercise? Sleep? Stress relief? Doing what makes you happy?). There are many more ways to heal and it’s in my book coming soon! YOU are in charge and you CAN change for the better! I believe in you.




p.s. If you’re confused about diet and what to eat, check out my cookbook on Amazon. I wrote it to help others get on the healthy train. These kinds of foods helped me heal. Hugs!

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