Have you heard of vitamin G?

Vitamin G: Also known as "Grounding or Earthing"

Do you remember the last time you walked barefoot on grass or on fine sand at a beach with bare feet? Do you remember how good it felt? Well, there is a reason for that. You were grounding or “earthing”. Believe it or not, Mother Nature has natural “vibes” and healing powers if we stay connected to her. Let me explain.


Earthing is simple, totally basic, and yet powerful. When you touch your bare skin to the ground, you reunite with the natural, electrical signals from the earth that govern all organisms and animals that band together with it. Proponents claim that it restores your body’s natural internal stability and rhythms, which promotes self-regulation of operations within you.

What are you made of?

You are an electronic creature, made up of mostly water and minerals which are good conductors of electrons. The earth contains free electrons. Think of our world bombarded an average with 5,000 lightning strikes per minute. It is also constantly replenished by a six sextillion (that’s followed by twenty-one zeros) metric ton battery with solar radiation and heat. Geophysicists believe that these phenomena are a bank of almost limitless energy that make up motions of charged particles. These particles can be described as free negatively charged electrons. Described in another way, the pulsations of natural energy emanate from the surface of the Earth, keeping the biological machinery of global life running in balance for every living organism on the land or the sea. This relates to humans, animals, all living vegetation, bugs, bacteria and viruses.


When you are grounded, you can absorb these electrons which in turn reduces electrical imbalances in your body. These remove oxidative free radicals involved in chronic inflammation and multiple diseases. WOW! Grounding can help balance your body to help it restore, replenish, and repair.

Thermal and photographic images on effects of earthing

Above you can see the effects after 4 days of sleeping while “grounding”. Visit this link for more infrared images of a the study.

Grounding can be seen through infrared imaging. Thermal imaging cameras record tiny changes in the temperature of the skin to create a color coded imaging map.  Because tissue damage causes increased heat, abnormal hot or red images indicate inflammation. Images like this can be 30 minutes or 4 hours apart depending on the person.

Our ancestors knew about this. Think about Native Americans, or the Chinese traditions of Qi (pronounced ‘chee’), or even dating back to when many civilizations were connected to Mother Earth and respected her as sacred.


There is anecdotal evidence of patients with inflammation or autoimmune conditions who have benefited from Earthing. People who have practiced grounding report a greater sense of well-being. Grounding proponents report that it can improve sleep, build energy, and increase circulation. It’s not only internal mending, but it has also been known to facilitate more rapid, visual healing from minor and major injuries.

Our pets need to be grounded too!

Some holistic medical groups use simple equipment to help patients recover from surgeries and other injuries more rapidly. You can “ground” inside your own home. Options include sleeping on grounding sheets, placing your feet on a grounding pad, or wearing a grounding bracelet or anklet. Grounding equipment can be purchased for a relatively inexpensive cost. Once you have a grounding device, you simply plug it into the “grounding” outlet while touching the grounding devices with your bare skin. Grounding technology exists for those who want to try it.

I happen to used both of these methods in the photos above.  When I work, I ground with me feet or with my wrists when I’m working.  When I sleep, I go to bed on grounding sheets so I get healthy benefits while I snooze!  My cat sleeps with me so she gets to ground too!!! 

If you would like more information on grounding, I encourage you to pick up this book called Earthing by Clint Ober, Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D., and Martin Zucker. It’s an amazing book that will open your eyes to this simple strategy.

Thanks for reading! 

Adrienne 😉


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